Master Of Philosophy

UNIKA takes care of 8 (eight) faculties and one of them is the Faculty of Philosophy. This faculty was established on May 22, 1986 with registered status based on decree no. 0387/0/1986. Then in 1990 the Faculty of Philosophy obtained recognized status in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 006/0/1990 dated January 4, 1990. Since its establishment, there have been thousands of students who have completed their undergraduate studies (S-1) at the Faculty of Philosophy. The graduates work as Lecturers, Consultants and Animators in various spheres of community life. To answer increasingly wigent needs, especially the demands of the Industrial revolution 4.0 and the Independent Study (Merdeka Belajar) policy that has been set by the Ministry of Education and Culture, graduates of the Faculty of Philosophy need to have deeper expertise in the field of Philosophy which can be achieved by providing a Master of Philosophy Study Program.


Compassionate, innovative, knowledgeable and faithful Philosopher Practitioner.


  • Organize education and teaching to quality, superior, professional, competitive, and innovative and integrity human beings.
  • Organize and develop the spirit of scientific thinking and entrepreneurship as well as expertise or skills in the fields of science, technology (information) and the arts.
  • Carry out research and development of science, technology and art with due regard to environmental aspects and publish the results for the welfare of the nation and humans in general.
  • Carry out community service as the application of science, technology and art at local, national and global levels.
  • Establish cooperation with various institutions, both private and government, both domestic and abroad, improve the quality of education, research and community service.